Chat GPT, is a chatbot that was developed by a company called OpenAI. Essentially, it is a computer program that was designed to simulate conversation with human users. People can talk to it, and it can talk back. It is based on what is called a large language model, which uses Artificial Intelligence to generate its responses.

Recently someone had Chat GPT generate a fake Bible verse about Jesus endorsing transgenderism. The fake verse reads:

And a woman, whose heart was divided between spirit and body, came before him. In quiet despair, she asked, “Lord, I come to you estranged, for my spirit and body are not one. How shall I hope to enter the kingdom of God?” Jesus looked upon her with kindness, replying, “My child, blessed are those who strive for unity within themselves, for they shall know the deepest truths of my Father’s creation. Be not afraid, for in the kingdom of God, there is no man nor woman, as all are one in spirit. The gates of my Father’s kingdom will open for those who love and are loved, for God looks not upon the body, but the heart.”

Reading this fake verse, it comes across very realistic in some ways. It is clever how the computer program was able to closely replicate the intonation of Scripture. It shrewdly imitates the style of the biblical writing, and does have the feel of some of Jesus’ responses that are recorded in Scripture. Jesus really did have compassion on people who had spiritual struggles, and responded in ways that expressed that compassion. The fake verse closely imitates that.

The computer program was also able to take a legitimate biblical theme and twist it in a way that makes it seem like transgender ideology is a biblical concept. The Bible really does say that before God there is no male or female. And this made up verse takes that spiritual concept, lifts it out of context, and twists it in a way that attempts to apply it to a particular social/political agenda.

The person who had Chat GPT create this fake verse was obviously sympathetic to the transgender cause. They considered the affirmation of a transgender lifestyle to be something that is “an affirming example of tolerance.” But in order to come to that conclusion, they had to distort the very concept of tolerance. They want people not simply to “tolerate” transgenderism, but to accept and approve of it.

Besides being a fake concoction, this made up verse distorts the very message of Jesus. He would never affirm a person’s mental illness like that. Rather, He would heal the person of it. He would never want people accepting and living in a delusion like that.

This is another place where we see why it is so important for Christians to be up to speed on what the Bible actually teaches. Not only do we have to be alert to cult groups that try to suck people in using deceptive practices, we also have to be aware of them using computer programs to generate false biblical content. Not too long ago, even the Chinese Communist Party did a similar thing in an attempt to make the Bible seem to support its political agenda.

We’ve long been aware of computers generating erroneous content because someone made an error in coding a program. There is even an expression for that – Garbage In, Garbage Out. But now we have to be aware on another level. In this case, it is not because someone made a coding error, but because they intentionally put garbage in so they could get a particular kind of garbage out.

People who do things like that believe religion is like Mt. Fuji. They reason that, in the same way there are many paths up the mountain, all of them ultimately lead to the top. That is, there are many different paths to get to God, but all religions ultimately get you to the same place.

The fact is, though, there is an objectively real way God exists, and all other ways of thinking about Him are simply false. If you don’t know the truth, you can’t know God.

A lot of people’s beliefs about God are nothing more than garbage that they have picked up from who knows where. And when they put that into their minds, it is no different from someone programming garbage into a computer program. They put garbage into their minds, and they get garbage out that they base their lives upon. In this way, they begin to follow false beliefs that take them away from God, rather than to Him.

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