8 comments on “Worldview Comparisons with Christianity

  1. Gregory Newell on

    According to Romans 13:1-5 & 1 Timothy 1:8-11, do you believe Homosexuality & other forms of sexual immorality should be criminalized?

    • Freddy Davis on

      Criminalized? I don’t think the Bible speaks to that. It speaks of how God looks on sin and the consequences as it relates to a person’s relationship with him – both temporal and eternal.

      • Gregory Newell on

        If Rulers are to be a terror to evil Romans 13:3, What is to be the standard of good & evil?
        If a ruler as God’s minister is to avenge His wrath & sometimes with capital punishment, What is God’s wrath & what crimes are capital offenses? Romans 13:4-5.

        • Freddy Davis on

          The standard for good and evil is the revelation God has given in Scripture. But it seems you are looking to enforce in civil law something that is intended for a different arena. The New Testament doesn’t give specific guidance on how different elements of evil should be punished by the government. The primary purpose of Scripture is to tell people how to know and walk with God.

          What point, exactly, are you trying to make with these questions? You are coming across as if you have some kind of agenda here, and it is difficult to know how to respond to you without understanding your intent.

          • Gregory Newell on

            It is interesting, taking 1 Tim 1:8-11 with Rom. 13, Paul seems to be citing OT Civil & Criminal Laws from Exodus 21-23 & their penalties. Paul seems to incorporate these
            scriptures as part of the gospel, Rom 1:16-17 & 1 Tim 1:11. Hopefully it’s God’s agenda
            I’m interested in. The law restrains evil & the gospel (the preaching of repentance &
            faith) regenerates. Thanks for responding!

            I’m wondering why you don’t cite scripture in applying Worldview to the many areas listed? You say a lot of good things but little or no scripture references. Thanks again for your response.

          • Freddy Davis on

            There are places where I do cite Scripture, and everything we do assumes the truth of Scripture. The purpose of the ministry, though, is to explain a biblical worldview, so most of our time and effort is spent doing that. A worldview paradigm has been used quite a lot over the years by missionaries who have to communicate the gospel across worldview barriers. That has not been a huge need in America throughout most of its history, but American society has radically changed beginning around the 60s and 70s. We are a discipleship ministry focused on helping believers understand the worldview paradigm in order to help the body of Christ become more effective at understanding, living out, and sharing our Christian faith in the now highly pluralistic culture.

  2. Gregory Newell on

    “As it relates to politics, the Bible gives us two primary roles that a government is supposed to play. First, it is given the task of protecting the innocent. Secondly it exists to punish the guilty. Looking at these roles, we see that government’s primary function is to keep society orderly by promoting justice. If there is unrest and disorder, the other institutions which God is trying to use to accomplish his purposes cannot easily fulfill their roles in society. Orderliness is required in society if it is to function in ways which allow for the accomplishment of God’s purposes.”

    I read this from your post on “WORLDVIEW AND POLITICS”. I would agree with the above.But how do we as the Christian Community, “PROMOTE JUSTICE”? What is God’s Justice? How far do we go in promoting it? Do we have an obligation in the Great Commission to teach Nations & especially the Church what laws & its penalties ought to be enforced? I think the book, “GOD IS JUST” does a good job in approaching the subject.

    • Freddy Davis on

      You have posted this comment under an article that relates to an entirely different topic, but since I am the one who wrote the article you are referencing, I will take your question.

      America is set up as a democratic republic. In this form of government, the citizens are placed in the position of being the ultimate rulers of the land and are to be stewards over the officials we elect. It is up to us to elect people who will govern according to the principles of justice that God has revealed in Scripture. We are able to do that by being active in the political process in any of a number of different ways. How far do we go? I’m not sure I get the implication of that question. As God’s steward it is up to each individual to discern God’s guidance and act accordingly – whether running for office, supporting certain candidates, promoting certain causes, writing letters, or whatever.

      In my opinion, our primary focus, as Christians, should be to share the gospel. People, then, who receive it and seriously live it out in life will, themselves, begin operating based on biblical worldview principles – including in politics. It is perfectly fine, as discipleship training, to share the implications of the gospel message (related to politics, education, media, and every other part of life), but the primary focus must be the life changing message of the gospel.


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