Modern American Liberalism is typically associated with politics, not with religion. That said, the worldview beliefs that are associated with it are decidedly religious. Modern Liberal beliefs have, as their worldview foundation, Naturalism – which is an atheistic faith system.

There are, of course, many people who consider themselves both Liberals and Christian. It is at this point that we must make an important distinction. It is very possible for both Christians and non-Christians to hold beliefs that are detached from their core worldview beliefs. In fact, virtually everyone, including committed Christians, hybridize their beliefs to some extent and incorporate beliefs into their lives that are not a part of the system they personally acknowledge. This includes beliefs that are not even compatible with the beliefs they claim. Thus, there are many Christians who have incorporated modern western Liberal beliefs into their belief system not realizing that the origin of these beliefs is not from the Bible at all. At the same time, there are many who claim to be Atheists who work off of values that are not directly associated Atheism – many even borrowed from Christianity.

To many, it may appear that this article is moving away from a treatment of spiritual matters and into politics. The truth is, however, it is actually impossible to completely separate religious and political beliefs. Every outward expression of all belief systems have some philosophical underpinning that is, in its essence, religious. Our purpose here is to try to make a few fine distinctions as to how, specifically, modern western Liberalism is connected with naturalistic worldview beliefs. We will also include some information about Christian Theism as a counterpoint which will allow us to make contrasts and comparisons. Our main purpose here, though, is to focus on the beliefs of Liberalism.

Liberalism Is a Religious Belief
The first thing we need to understand is that modern American Liberalism is not merely a political point of view. It has naturalistic worldview beliefs as its basic underlying foundation – and Naturalism is a belief system. In order to clarify this point, we will take a moment to point out the essential foundational beliefs of Naturalism. Then, to clarify it more fully, we will put it side-by-side with the essential foundational beliefs of Biblical Theism.

Biblical Belief – God exists and he is the God of the Bible.
Liberal Belief – The natural universe is all that exists. There is no God.

Biblical Belief – God created man in his image (his core essence is spirit), but he is fallen and in need of salvation.
Liberal Belief – Man is a naturally evolved animal and is essentially good.

Salvation (the ultimate one can achieve in life)
Biblical Belief – Salvation involves an individual’s personal decision to enter into a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Liberal Belief – The ultimate one can achieve in this life is survival and to attain the highest level of personal satisfaction possible.

Temporal Beliefs from Liberal Religious Beliefs
Obviously, the essential worldview beliefs above are not measurable using any kind of empirical system. Beliefs are, by their very nature, non-empirical and not subject to the tools of science. For this reason, both Naturalism and Christian Theism are faith (religious) systems.

There is another level of belief, though, that we also need to be aware of. While the essential worldview beliefs above are rather abstract, there are expressions of those beliefs that are slightly more concrete and can be outwardly expressed in the lives of human beings. These are still beliefs, however, and not subject to empirical verification, but can be expressed more concretely.

Biblical Belief – Ultimate understanding comes from God’s revelation. Thus we can read the Bible and understand God and his ways.
Liberal Belief – Since the natural universe is all that exists, everything can ultimately be understood by science. Thus, it is not necessary to pay attention to religion, and one can learn everything necessary to live in this world by science.

Biblical Belief – Man is special in his ability to have a personal relationship with God. Thus, a person can use human means to express this relationship.
Liberal Belief – Man is a naturally evolved animal and not qualitatively special in the animal kingdom. Thus, there is no need to even consider God in the course of everyday life.

Biblical Belief – Objective morality exists as a revelation of God. Thus, human beings should learn and follow biblical morality as it was given by God.
Liberal Belief – There is no objective morality; morality is relative to the situation. Since there is no God, there is no possibility for an objective moral code to exist. Human beings must create morality for himself based on the particular circumstances of life.

Biblical Belief – The ultimate in life relates to an individual’s personal relationship with God. Thus, everyone should seek to know God and live in relationship with him.
Liberal Belief – The ultimate in life relates to this world, as there is nothing else. Life’s ultimate purpose is survival. Thus, individuals can only seek to do the best they can morally, but there are no consequences for any particular acts beyond what is sanctioned by society.

Policy Expressions of Liberal Religious Beliefs
There is one more level of human expression that comes into play. The previous two levels relate to beliefs only. The final level relates to specific actions that play out in the material world. These actions, however, are not independent of the beliefs mentioned above. In fact, they are direct expressions of them. People who genuinely hold biblical beliefs will act in accordance with those beliefs. Those who genuinely hold Liberal beliefs will act according to those beliefs.

When it comes to political actions (policy), it should be easy to see what policies will be promoted by people who hold various worldview beliefs. To make this abundantly clear, we will take the actual policy positions and programs associated with Liberalism and see how they are expressed. In doing that, we will also include a word about the contrasting ideas that come from biblical beliefs in order to show the contrast.

Liberal Belief – Collective Control (vs. Biblical Belief – Individual Liberty)
The first category of Liberal policy positions we will look at relate to who controls what goes on in society. Liberal beliefs are expressed as control over society by the collective (generally government) as opposed to the biblical belief of individual liberty.

Based on biblical beliefs, the individual has priority. It is understood that God created mankind for the purpose of relationship with himself, and that the relationship happens on an individual level. It is God’s purpose that all people know him and live life based on his will and purpose. If the masses of individuals do that, then society will automatically operate in ways that not only promote survival, but individuals will also experience fullness of life.

The priority of collective control emerges from the naturalistic belief that the physical universe is all that exists – thus, there is no afterlife. As such, survival of the species becomes the highest value, and it is believed that it is in the interest of the collective to maintain control of society to ensure its survival. Generally, it is considered that the government (or sometimes other collective institutions) should be the entity that has ultimate control in that regard. As such, it is up to government institutions to create and maintain policies that provide the best possibilities for survival. Liberal policies that operate on that basis include:

  • Government support for unions (unions are also a means of collective control).
  • Government support for social justice causes (ex. helping the poor, immigrants, minorities) These are all seen as efforts to ensure the survival of the collective.
  • Promotion of sanctuary policies – Sanctuary policies are understood to be an intermediary policy until a more complete “one world government” policy can be implemented. Sanctuary policies are a step toward implementing that goal.
  • Government control of speech (allow only approved speech [ex. formally and informally sanction certain words and ideas], promote political correctness [ex. make laws to force non-complying individuals to act contrary to their conscience]) – The promotion of survival means using all means necessary to eliminate conflict in society. One of the ways of doing that is to have everyone think the same way. Thus, beliefs that are contrary to what the collective deems to be correct need to be suppressed.
  • Government control of information flow (ex. Fairness Doctrine, Net Neutrality) – Controlling the flow of information is another way of managing conflict in society to help promote species survival.
  • Control of the judicial system (appoint judges with a Liberal judicial philosophy) – A Liberal judicial philosophy allows judges to rule based on personal beliefs rather than on the intent of the law itself. By putting judges in place who prioritize the collective over the individual, order can better be maintained in society in a way that promotes survival.

Liberal Belief – Government Responsibility (vs. Biblical Belief – Individual Responsibility)
Another category of Liberal policy positions relates to who is responsible for what happens in society. Liberal beliefs are expressed by the idea that the government has responsibility for overseeing the needs of those in society, as opposed to the biblical belief that it is the responsibility of the individual.

Based on biblical beliefs, every individual is responsible to God for personal actions. God has revealed what is good and bad, right and wrong, and based on the individual’s personal relationship with him, every person is responsible for accomplishing God’s revealed purpose for their lives. This means individuals are responsible for earning a living and taking care of their own families and other responsibilities. If everyone does this, society will operate properly. This does not mean people should not help one other, but the helping should be done based on individual, rather than collectivist, principles.

The Liberal concept is, once again, founded upon the naturalistic notion that the natural universe is all that exists, with its corollary belief that it is up to the collective to act as a “parent” to society in order to ensure the survival of the collective. As such, the government should properly implement policies that ensure this outcome. Some of the particular policies that promote this end include:

  • Promotion of minimum wage – It is considered that the collective is best served when everyone has a “living wage,” and it is up to the government to regulate society in a way that ensures that outcome.
  • Giving entitlements (ex. housing, food, childcare, elderly benefits, paid leave, retirement benefits, drug treatment programs, work programs, benefits to illegal immigrants) – It is believed that it is up to the government to make sure that people’s basic needs are supplied, and this is best accomplished by government grants or subsidies.
  • Control over education (ex. provide free schooling, provide subsidies for public education, eliminate private schools) – Education is seen as a means for providing society with the knowledge and skill base necessary to promote the survival of the collective. As such, the government needs to ensure that society’s workers are adequately prepared. Public schools are also places where the masses can be indoctrinated in ways that reduce societal conflict. If everyone holds the same beliefs, the potential for conflict is reduced.
  • Social engineering (government support for favored groups – ex. women, homosexuals, students, particular races) – This is another place where the masses can be influenced in ways that reduce societal conflict. If everyone holds the same beliefs, the potential for conflict is reduced.
  • Creating business regulation to promote social justice causes – In addition to entitlements, government should advance policies that force businesses to support the kinds of programs that help promote the survival of the species.
  • Nationalization of businesses – There are cases where it is in the best interest of the collective for important businesses to be owned and controlled by the government in order to best direct resources to promote the survival of the species.
  • National control of law enforcement – There are cases where it is in the best interest of the collective for law enforcement to be controlled by the central government in order to best maintain order in society.
  • Socialized health care (ex. Medicare for all, allowing only a socialized VA system) – As public health is an important category for promoting the survival of the collective, control of the health care system is understood to be an important government function.
  • Human life. (ex. abortion, assisted suicide, and euthanasia) – Based on naturalistic beliefs, human beings are only one material animal on earth among many. There is no eternal or inherently moral aspect connected with the human species. As such, there is nothing wrong with controlling births and deaths if those overseeing the survival of the collective deem it a useful or necessary tool.
  • Gun control – Controlling the availability of weapons is a legitimate government responsibility for the purpose of maintaining order in society and promoting the survival of the species.
  • Promote the acceptance of homosexuals in society – Based on naturalistic beliefs, human beings are only material animals. There is no eternal or inherently moral element connected with the human species. In circumstances where there is deemed to be no negative impact on the survival of the species, moral taboos serve no purpose in society.
  • Promote globalism (ex. foreign aid, redistribution of wealth from wealthy to poor countries, open borders, strengthen the UN) – The survival of the species is not viewed merely from the standpoint of individual governmental units (countries, states, etc.), but all human beings worldwide are considered to be a part of the species that need to survive. Ultimately, efforts need to be established worldwide to accomplish this end. The ultimate expression of this will be a “one world government.”

Liberal Belief – Collective ownership of property – Socialism/Communism (vs. Biblical Belief – Stewardship – Individual ownership of property – Free Enterprise)
A final category of Liberal policy positions relates to the nature of property and how it should be considered. Liberal beliefs are expressed by the idea that the collective should have the primary role in determining how property is controlled, as opposed to the biblical belief that the individual is primary.

Based on biblical beliefs, the primary principle that relates to the control of property is that of stewardship. The basic understanding is that God, as the Creator, is the ultimate owner of the entirety of his creation. However, he has assigned mankind to be his stewards (managers) in overseeing the created order. As such, every individual is responsible before God for the possessions that come into their life – this includes all material possessions, including property. Under God’s guidance, each individual is to manage his possessions in a way that accomplishes God’s purpose. This, then, forms the basis for the principles of free enterprise and the private ownership of property.

The Liberal concept is, once again, founded upon the naturalistic notion that the natural universe is all that exists, with its corollary belief that the collective has the responsibility to manage property in a way that promotes the survival of the collective. As such, the government should own, or at least control, all property and the means of production. This is primarily expressed in some form of Socialist or Communist framework. Some of the particular policies that promote this end include:

  • High individual and corporate taxes (ex. using taxes to steer the direction of the economy, wealth redistribution by taxing the rich) – Since the collective is responsible for the use and distribution of resources, it must collect enough from the work of individuals and businesses in society to effectively care for the needs of society.
  • Heavy regulation of business practices (ex. benefits to favored businesses such as grants and regulation relief, benefits to favored organizations such as arts and humanities, benefits to favored government entities such as cities, states, and territories) – Since the interests of the collective take priority over the individual, it is up to the government to regulate business practices in ways that promote the greater good of society.
  • Environmental control (ex. manage climate change, inhibit land development, inhibit resource development, control farming with subsidies) – As maintaining the earth’s environment is important for human survival, the government has an interest in controlling the use of the land to promote the survival of the species.

Recognizing the Religion
As was mentioned above, modern American Liberalism is viewed by most as more of a political philosophy than anything else. However, every political philosophy has an underlying worldview foundation that is a religious formulation, and Liberalism is no exception. As such, Liberal political policies are not mere political statements, but are religious statements based on beliefs that oppose Christian principles.

As a religious point of view, the tenets of Liberalism have some very significant internal contradictions. These contradictions are expressions of the problems that emerge out of their view of science and morality. As Liberalism is based on a naturalistic worldview with its belief that the natural universe is all that exists, it has no choice but to assert that natural laws govern every part of reality. That being the case, everything in all of reality must ultimately be discoverable and explainable using the scientific method. Thus, everything that cannot be explained by science must automatically be deemed as not real or true.

Beyond that, since Naturalism deems the natural universe to be all that exists, there is no possibility that God, as an objectively real person, exists outside of nature. As such there is no possibility of any kind of objective moral beliefs. Objective moral beliefs require an objectively real moral law giver, which Naturalism does not accept. Thus, in Liberalism, morality must be, by definition, a social construct made up by creatures that are capable of self-conscious thought – which on earth is only human beings.

Still, even for Liberalism, there must be some basis for creating moral dogma – some underlying foundation. Based on the tenets of Naturalism, the bottom line belief must be survival. All morality, then, must have as its ultimate goal, the survival of the species. Since survival can be accomplished by different means in different situations, the moral expressions to promote that end can be quite varied in different populations, and it can even change in the same population if circumstances change. In other words, morality is, by definition, relative.

This brings us to the nature of the internal conflict we see in naturalistic belief – and by extension, in Liberalism. The laws of nature are absolute; they do not change in various circumstances. On the other hand, morality is relative; it does change under varying circumstances. This creates a situation where the absolute nature of natural law and the relativistic nature of morality can come into conflict.

There numerous quite profound examples of this conflict within Liberal philosophy. For instance:

  • The ultimate goal of naturalistic philosophy is survival, yet Liberal policy actively promotes abortion on demand.
  • Naturalistic philosophy claims its ultimate authority source is science, yet Liberalism denies that gender is binary (which is a scientific fact).
  • Naturalistic philosophy is built upon an ultimate foundation of survival, yet Liberalism promotes homosexuality that does not support procreation.
  • Naturalistic philosophy claims science and survival as its bottom line, yet Liberalism promotes environmental practices (particularly regarding forestry and water policies) that make the survival of humans in certain areas more difficult.
  • Naturalistic philosophy touts human reason as its underlying approach to gaining knowledge, yet Liberalism has no objective basis for doing reasoning (relativism promotes a “law of the jungle” mentality).

This list could go on using examples from almost all of the policy positions listed above. The point is, the absolute nature of Naturalism’s understanding of material reality and its relativistic understanding of morality create an internal contradiction that mitigates against it actually representing the truth about how reality is structured.

Modern American Liberalism is a religious faith, and it stands in opposition to the Christian faith – both in its underlying foundation and in its outward policy expressions. As Christians, if we are serious about sharing our faith in Christ, we cannot simply stick our heads in the sand and pretend we can’t confront Liberalism because it is political. It has political expressions, but it is, in its essence, religious. And when Liberal political expressions come to dominate a society, the ultimate result is disorder in society, and an assault against life, liberty, and human stewardship over life. And in the religious arena, it actively works to suppress Christian beliefs and Christian expression. Because of that, it is important for Christians to know their faith and be willing to share and stand up for it.

© 2018 Freddy Davis

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