Donnie McClurkinAre you familiar with Donnie McClurkin? He is a Grammy Award winning gospel recording artist, and pastor of Perfecting Faith Church in Freeport, N.Y. As a well known African American recording artist, McClurkin was invited to headline the “Reflections on Peace: from Gandhi to King” MLK Memorial Concert on August 10.

Well, he was uninvited. You see, Pastor McClurkin used to be homosexual, but God got hold of his life and changed him. He believes God delivered him from the “sin of homosexuality,” and that people with unwanted same-sex attractions can change.

Unfortunately, Washington, D. C. Mayor Vincent Gray, along with the Arts and Humanities Commission, got wind of McClurkin’s beliefs when pro-gay activists began complaining. It seems that the mayor didn’t want McClurkin’s “highly controversial” statements about homosexuality to become a distraction from an event focused on peace, love, justice and equal rights for all.

Now, doesn’t that just beat all? The organizers of an event focused on inclusiveness, equal rights, and tolerance are tolerant of everyone except those they disagree with. Their whole approach is to dominate others rather than allow everyone to hold sincere beliefs. If you don’t fit their mold, they just kick you out.

Here is the insidious truth. These members of the belief police honestly think they are tolerant of others. This clearly shows the unconscious nature of worldview beliefs. Their unconscious assumptions are that anyone who is not openly accepting of homosexual behavior is automatically a hater of homosexuals. They see it as a discriminatory belief and are unable to understand the concept of hating the sin but loving the sinner. So, in their minds, they see discrimination and they attack.

The solution to this problem is not to back down. The problem is ignorance, and the solution is to  shine a light on the truth. The Christian point of view must not be allowed to be turned on its head based on false worldview beliefs. And the only way this is going to happen is for Christians to know how to make the case for their beliefs, and face down the ones who are truly intolerant.

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