I came across a blog recently and it began like this:

“I’m _________. I was an evangelical Christian for over a decade, completely convinced that God was real and Jesus was alive today. I attended Bible college and worked at a Christian organization for many years. I have “led people to Christ.” I have left tracts in bathrooms. I have knocked on hundreds of doors asking people to repent and believe in Jesus.

I was wrong. … I now consider myself an atheist and a skeptic.”

This kind of falling away from Christ is way more common than we Christians might wish to think. In this person’s case, it led him to actively work against the Christian faith. But there are many more cases where people just drop out of interaction with other Christians and silently live a life outside of a relationship with God.

It totally breaks my heart to read something like this. But the truly sad thing is that what led to his change of heart was not the “open minded research” about the Bible that he thought. The fact is, all he did was switch faiths. The new beliefs he moved into were based purely on Naturalistic presuppositions. Before he left faith in Christ, he began accepting the faith assumptions of Naturalism. Then, he begin trying to justify Christian faith based on Naturalistic faith assumptions. It simply doesn’t work.

The remedy for this problem is an understanding of worldview. A person only moves from one set of beliefs to another when they accept a different set of faith presuppositions. Every Christian needs to get up to speed on this. It is the key to our faithfulness to Christ in our faith life and witness.